Monday, August 29, 2011

"Life Is In Session"

"Life Is In Session". Well, the blog bug hit me when I heard this quote from a dear friend the other day. Mainly because it rang so very true, and also because I can definitely relate right now. The fact that life is in session has never been more apparent to me than in the last four months. This life that I call "mine" has had some intense and awe-inspiring sessions during that period of time, and just like in a session of a judge's courtroom, I had to take what was dished out to me.
Some of it was not so comfortable, but made me strong; some of it was fairly comfy, and made me settle in to it a little quicker; and some of it was downright fantastic, which, of course, felt the best. But in all these situations and circumstances, I never stopped being grateful. Life is always in session and many things happen over which we have absolutely no control. So I have found that the key to living "life on life's terms", is to keep an attitude of gratitude. That helps make accepting what happens so much easier, and allows you to stay calm. It prevents us from raising our blood pressure and going through life with a frown on our faces. I always heard that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile, so it's better to take the healthier choice and smile.
Right now I have lots that I could sit around and grumble about, but I also have some things that I can be very grateful for. Like the fact that I am expecting to get a job and live out by a beautiful body of water on an island! Also that I am sitting here writing this post after having gone through triple bypass surgery four months ago. There is always something to gripe about, but today I choose to focus on the things I have to be grateful for. Now, don't get me wrong, I have had my moments of breaking down, but as long as I get back up and don't stay there, it's ok. In fact, we all have to allow ourselves to break down and then be built back up just that much stronger.
The other way that I look at it is to remember that at least I'm still here to experience the sessions, some others are not. I have learned to stop adding up my problems and to start counting my blessings! And when I do that, life being in session becomes a real blessing. Another quote that I found said "It's only when you have cast off what has been weighing you down, that you can finally move on"..K. Rich So don't let your life be dictated by the sessions you go through, just keep the faith and know that the best is yet to come!!
Peace & Blessings

Friday, August 5, 2011

Taking Time To Reflect & Seek Change

Greetings Readers!! The thoughts for this posting were influenced by my reading the article that Brother Jesse posted on his blog about Ramadan, which is a Muslim annual observance. It is a wonderful article so please check it out at :
His article really explained the purpose and meaning of Ramadan, and it got me to thinking; We all need to take the time to reflect on where we are in life, where we are going, and what we need to change in ourselves. This time of reflection is the perfect opportunity to do some serious and honest self-examination, while allowing our minds and bodies to benefit from a thorough cleansing. The good news is, you don't have to be a Muslim to participate! Anyone who chooses to take advantage of this blessing can do so, no matter what religion you follow. Or even if you don't follow any particular religion, it can still be an eye-opening experience.
So, when was the last time you fasted and called yourself out? We all are works in progress, but taking the time to put in some self reconstruction can only help that progress. As a Christian, I know I need to regularly check myself and do what I can to eliminate any thinking or behaviors that are detrimental to my life and well-being. But so many of us don't believe that we need to do this, and those apples can really "spoil the bunch". None of us are perfect, but some to walk around with an attitude that shouts "I don't need no reflection and there ain't nothing I need to change!". Most times, the ones making that declaration are the ones who could benefit the most, because they are in DENIAL.
I am grateful to have any opportunity to reflect and become a better me. To quote Brother Jesse, " I am in love with the possibilities of being a better me. I know you are too. " The statement "Be all that you can be" is advertised for a military program, but we can choose to incorporate that goal in our daily lives. I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of this chance to reflect and gain some very critical insight into yourself, your life and the impact you want to make on your family and community.

May you all seek to become the best you that you can be!! Peace & Blessings