Thursday, January 1, 2009

LET'S SHINE IN 2009!!!!

Well, here we are in a brand New Year. I don't know about you but I have a whole lot of gratitude for making it here. The past year was a good one in spite of any challenges that came, in fact, those are what made it a good year. Let me explain. If those challenges had not been placed in my path, I would not have experienced any growth, and I would not be the wiser today. Today I know the value of trials and tribulations, and I thank my God for allowing them in my life. Sure, none of us welcome them, but once we get to the other side, if we were paying atention, we understand the value or the lesson.
I don't make "New Year Resolutions" but I do set goals for myself. They include areas of health and well-being, finances, spiritual and most importantly relationships. All of these are areas of immense importance and I plan to enhance them while cultivating a better self. What I know I have to do is keep a positive attitude about any task I undertake, and the rest will follow. John Maxwell says "We are today where our thoughts brought us; We'll go tomorrow where our thoughts take us". That tells me that the success in any area I choose to improve depends on the attitude I maintain while the change is taking place.
I believe that we as human beings can acheive anything we want or desire, and that the only real limitation is the one we accept and set up in our minds (Napoleon Hill-"Think and Grow Rich"). In 2009, I am planning to shine!!! By the Grace of God and my God-given talents, I shouldn't have any problems. Set yourself some goals and do what J. Paul Getty suggests:
Get up early, Work hard, & Find Oil!!
It's going to be a great year, after all, our 1st Black President will take office on January 20! After the previous administration, there is nowhere to go but up, so let's get ready to support him and prosper in the process. I believe there will be more and better opportunities for those who had none in the past. I believe that we as a people will be more self-confident which will result in us being more successful. I believe that if we set our minds to it and work together, there is nothing we won't accomplish.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year!! and share your goals on my blog so we can support each other.

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